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International HiFi Show 2016 – Pullman Mercure Hotel, Albert Park

With only 3 weeks remaining it is hard to keep the excitement enclosed. Come and join us at room #1311 where we will have a range of incredible HiFi products to demonstrate at this year’s International HiFi show, July 1 – 3, 2016.

We are teaming up with Mike Lenehan, who builds the gorgeous Lenehan Audio speakers, he will be demonstrating his all-new ML1 mini-monitor. We will also have a beta model of the PS Audio BHK Signature Preamplifier, the PS Audio BHK amplifiers, Zu Audio Soul Supreme loudspeakers (which were on the front cover of this month’s Stereophile magazine!), and more…

PS Audio BHK Signature Preamplifier

bhk-prePreamps can make or break a system; holding back rich details buried in the music. They are the critical link between sources and power amplifiers. Precious few of them–only a handful really–uncover, preserve and amplify the rich bloom of music. The BHK Signature Preamplifier is one of the rare few that brings out the magic.

PS Audio BHK Amplifier

bhkHave you ever wanted to own the finest stereo amplifiers in the world but were scared off by a six-figure price tag? All that has changed. The BHK Signature Series power amplifier is a stunning achievement in power amplification and Bascom H. King’s finest work, unequaled in performance at any price. Power amplifiers are the make-or-break component in the music reproduction chain. Everything in your system funnels into this critical component; anything lost can never be recovered.  The BHK Signature features a zero-loss vacuum tube input stage coupled to a high bias differentially balanced MOSFET output. This amplifier has few rivals at any price and, in terms of sheer musicality, openness, tonal richness and accuracy, none.

Lenehan Audio – All New Ml1 Mini-Monitor Loudspeaker

Mike Lenehan will be demonstrating his all new ML1 – already the ML1 is an incredible mini-monitor, we can’t wait to hear the new one.

Zu Audio Soul Supreme

zu-audio-soul-supreme-stereophile-front-coverFeatured on the front cover of this month’s Sterephile Magazine, come and experience the sound of Zu for yourself.

“Your ears, heart, and mind are far more sensitive and sophisticated measuring tools than any ‘scope, calibrated mike, or analyzer–trust them. In my music hermitage, and to my ears and heart, Zu Audio’s Soul Supremes delivered copious amounts of savory musical connectedness. Highly Recommended.”

Soul Supreme is the new Druid [Mk.V] stuffed into the smaller American Mid-Century inspired obelisk cabinet.

You get the fantastic Zu103 high output nano infused full-range driver, Radian 850 based tweeter (networked with ClarityCap MR caps and Mills top-shelf MRA-12 resistor) all interconnected and cabled with Zu Event internal cabling. Soul Supreme also features Zu’s 5-way/ZuB3 combo input connection system. Soul Supreme, despite it being about the same size as Soul Superfly, it performs head and shoulders above it.

Roon – The Music Player for Music Lovers

roon-ipadCome and experience Roon – which will work beautifully with the upcoming Bridge II update for the PS Audio DirectStream DAC, and DirectStream Junior.

In the transition from physical to digital media, something has been lost. We have more convenience than ever, but no feeling of excitement or engagement.

Roon looks at your music and finds photos, bios, reviews, lyrics, and concert dates, and makes connections between artists, composers, performers, conductors, and producers.

What you get is a searchable, surfable magazine about your music.

“I don’t think it’s an overstatement to call Roon a game changer”
Michael Lavorgna, AudioStream

And More

The HiFi show wouldn’t be complete without surprises! We’ll have even more to show off, so come along say hi and have a listen to some of the most musical audio components out there.


Pullman Mercure Hotel, Albert Park, Room #1311 (Magenta Audio / Lenehan Audio Room).