PS Audio’s LANRover is unique among USB audio connection devices. Inserted between the computer’s USB output and a DAC’s USB input, LANRover provides 100% galvanic isolation while regenerating new jitter-free audio data for the first time.
Removing computer generated pollution has major sonic benefits.
According to PS Audio:
‘For perhaps the first time, a new level of clarity emerges from a velvety blackness. Space around each performer is noticeably enhanced, while the glare of digital’s edge is replaced by a fullness in the lower registers that’s startling. Soundstage width and depth is noticeably wider and deeper and performers now seem in the room on some recordings. The improvements are remarkable.’

LANRover is a matched pair solution to the problems of USB audio. The first of the two devices connects to the USB output of the computer or server. Here, timing, noise, jitter, ground, and power supply voltages from the computer are abandoned, and a new individually packetized datastream is regenerated. Unlike USB audio packets, these new data are in a different format, one that does not suffer USB’s shortcomings. Data are regenerated in new form and sent over a Cat5 cable in the same format as music you might download from a distant server. Just as you can download and share high resolution music over the internet without compromising performance—and send it next door or around the world—this newly generated data is impervious to distance or cable types.
Once regenerated, data can now travel as near or as far as you need. Use the supplied 1 foot long CAT5 to connect the regenerator to the reclocker to clean up your audio, or route that same data through your home network to distance the computer from the DAC, and the shocking level of improvement provided by LANRover in each case is identical.
For more info see Paul McGowan’s introductory video below: